We invite you to join us for fellowship and refreshments Thursday, November 5 at 7:30pm for the 40 Days for Life Campaign's Closing Celebration. You will hear from sidewalk counselors as well as from other vigil participants about the impact your prayers and fasting have made over the last 40 days.
40 Days for Life - Closing Celebration
Thursday, November 5 at 7:30pm
Parish House of Old St. Patrick's Cathedral
263 Mulberry Street (between Jersey and Prince Street)
**We are in need of a few volunteers to help with set-up and food prep. If you are able to volunteer, please email us at FrassatiMissions@gmail.com.
The last vigil day is this Sunday, November 1. Let us bring the campaign to a strong and triumphant close by joining other prayer warriors at the vigil site as much as possible until November 1. To sign up for a vigil shift, click here.
And as the campaign comes to a close in our city as well as in over 300 cities around the world, may God continue to lead us in sharing His love, light and mercy through unceasing prayer and tender witness.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, athlete for God's kingdom, pray for us!