Saturday, February 27, 7am-8pm
Location: Planned Parenthood, 26 Bleecker Street
In support of the 40 Days for Life Manhattan Spring Campaign, Frassati Fellowship will be sponsoring two vigil days during which volunteers will be taking hour-long prayer shifts (or more!) to engage in peaceful prayer and loving witness outside the Planned Parenthood on Bleecker Street.
For those early birds, we invite you to attend 8:00am Spanish Mass at Old St. Pat’s (263 Mulberry Street, New York, NY 10012) and then process with the group to the vigil site. Mass will also be available at 12:10pm in English, and the church will be open from 8am – 6pm for prayer and to warm up between shifts.
Several CFR Brothers and Sisters will also join us throughout the day to lead us in prayer.
No experience is necessary, and all are welcome. For those who have not participated before, we encourage you to read the vigil guidelines and become more familiar with the 40 Days for Life Campaign.
For more information or to participate in the Frassati Vigil Days, please contact Ingrid at iabeleda@gmail.com.